Eurovision Song Contest 1979


Jerusalem, Israel
31th March 1979

Logo for ESC 1979


This is the info and the chart page of the Eurovision Song Contest 1979, which was held in Jerusalem, in Binyanei Ha'Ooma. The presenters were Yardena Arazi and Daniel Peer. The conductor was Izhak Graziani.


Here are the entries of 1979:

1PortugalManuela BravoSobe, sobe, balão sobe
2ItalyMatia BazarRaggio di luna
3DenmarkTommy SeebachDisco tango
4IrelandCathal DunneHappy man
5FinlandKatri-HelenaKatson sineen taivaan
6MonacoLaurent VaguenerNotre vie c'est la musique
8SwitzerlandPeter, Sue & MarcTrödler und Co.
9GermanyDschinghis KhanDschinghis Khan
10IsraelMilk and HoneyHallelujah
11FranceAnne-Marie DavidJe suis l'enfant-soleil
12BelgiumMicha MarahHey nana
13LuxembourgJeane MansonJ'ai déjà vu ça dans tes yeux
15SwedenTed GärdestadSatellit
16NorwayAnita SkorganOliver
17United KingdomBlack LaceMary Ann
18AustriaChristina SimonHeute in Jerusalem
19SpainBetty MissiegoSu canción

Jury score + results 1979

"...Hallelujah 'im hashshir.
Hallelujah 'al yom shemmeir.
Hallelujah 'al mah shehayah, yah.
Umah she'od lo nayah - Hallelujah..."


Chart of the Eurovision Song Contest 1979

final update 8th December 2013
thanks to 57 voters:

1DenmarkTommy SeebachDisco tango3877
2IsraelMilk and HoneyHallelujah3559
4FranceAnne-Marie DavidJe suis l'enfant-soleil3209
5GermanyDschinghis KhanDschinghis Khan3204
6SpainBetty MissiegoSu canción3136
7FinlandKatri-HelenaKatson sineen taivaan2588
8PortugalManuela BravoSobe, sobe, balão sobe1762
9LuxembourgJeane MansonJ'ai déjà vu ça dans tes yeux1393
11IrelandCathal DunneHappy man980
12BelgiumMicha MarahHey nana920
13SwedenTed GärdestadSatellit810
14ItalyMatia BazarRaggio di luna710
15NorwayAnita SkorganOliver690
16AustriaChristina SimonHeute in Jerusalem381
16SwitzerlandPeter, Sue & MarcTrödler und Co.381
18MonacoLaurent VaguenerNotre vie c'est la musique340
19United KingdomBlack LaceMary Ann310


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