Eurovision Song Contest 1970


Amsterdam, the Netherlands
21st March 1970

Logo for ESC 1970


This is the info and the chart of the Eurovision Song Contest 1970, which was held in Amsterdam, in R.A.I. Congrescentrum. The presenters were Pim Jacobs & Willy Spranger-Dobbe. The conductor was Dolf van der Linden.


Here are the entries of 1970:

1NetherlandsPatricia & Hearts of SoulWaterman
2SwitzerlandHenri DèsRetour
3ItalyGianni MorandiOcchi di ragazza
4YugoslaviaEva SršenPridi, dala ti bom cvet
5BelgiumJean ValléeViens l'oublier
6FranceGuy BonnetMarie-Blanche
7United KingdomMary HopkinKnock knock - who's there?
8LuxembourgDavid-Alexandre WinterJe suis tombé du ciel
9SpainJulio IglesiasGwendolyne
10MonacoDominique DussaultMarlène
11GermanyKatja EbsteinWunder gibt es immer wieder
12IrelandDanaAll kinds of everything

Jury score + results 1970

"...Dances, romances, things of the night,
Sunshine and holidays, postcards to write,
Parting trees, autumn leaves, a snowflake or two,
All kinds of everything reminds me of you..."


Chart of the Eurovision Song Contest 1970

final update 1st December 2013
thanks to 58 voters:

1IrelandDanaAll kinds of everything47921
2United KingdomMary HopkinKnock knock - who's there?45410
3GermanyKatja EbsteinWunder gibt es immer wieder4379
4SpainJulio IglesiasGwendolyne3515
5ItalyGianni MorandiOcchi di ragazza2973
6FranceGuy BonnetMarie-Blanche2885
7BelgiumJean ValléeViens l'oublier2273
8SwitzerlandHenri DèsRetour2060
9NetherlandsPatricia & Hearts of SoulWaterman2001
10YugoslaviaEva SršenPridi, dala ti bom cvet1481
11MonacoDominique DussaultMarlène1420
12LuxembourgDavid-Alexandre WinterJe suis tombé du ciel1350


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